Navigating through renewed economic uncertainty
26 April 2023
Navigating through renewed economic uncertainty by Mikuláš Dzurinda
European integration in times of economic hardship: Lessons from history by Steven Van Hecke and Bernada Cunj
Protecting Europe’s youth during the cost-of-living crisis as key to winning young voters by Lídia Pereira
How to reduce Europe’s energy dependence on authoritarian regimes? by Vladimir Milov
The EU and the new energy reality: Lessons learned from the vortices of 2022 by Martin Jirušek
The problem of stagflation: How should the European Central Bank respond to the increase in inflation? by Fredrik N. G. Andersson
The primacy of the European Central Bank: Distributional conflicts between theory and practice in the pursuit of price stability by Anna Peychev
The EU’s foreign direct investment screening mechanism two years after implementation by Stefano Riela
From Awokening to Awakening by Žiga Turk
Crises and opportunities in the Western Balkans by Katerina Jakimovska
The (false) promise of Germany’s Zeitenwende by John Helferich
Navigating Europe’s southern challenges by Luigi Scazzieri
The Ukraine war and the future of the Eastern Partnership by Jean F. Crombois
The importance of regional EU member states in the Berlin Process: The guided integration of the Western Balkans by Ardit Ginali
Towards a model that measures the impact of disinformation on elections by Jonáš Syrovátka, Nikola Hořejš and Sarah Komasová
The path forward for Europe’s green transition by Jarosław Pietras
That’s no moon . . . it’s a balloon! by Liza Kutllovci