Putting gender equality and work-life balance at the heart of a growing Europe
Gender equality is one of the core principles of the EU as set out in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. However, this equality is far from having been achieved. Notwithstanding the significant benefits that greater equality would bring in terms of economic growth and social cohesion, this issue tends to be dominated by narratives from the left of the political spectrum.
To coincide with the Martens Centre launch of research into this topic this event will consider how labour market equality should be at the core of centre and centre right policy formulation as we move towards a more digitalised society. This event will highlight issues such as work life balance, education, taxation, childcare and cultural norms as all being essential in delivering policies that can bring real benefits for millions of hard working families across Europe.
As part of the ongoing Martens Centre “Middle Class” Research Cluster a panel of policy makers and experts will discuss why greater labour market equality, education and work life balance is important for a successful digital economy, vital for centrist political parties and essential for European citizens.
29 January 2019
Belgium, Brussels, 1040, Thon Hotel EU, Belgium Ballroom, Rue de la Loi 75 12:00 13:30