Henna Hopia
Henna Hopia joined the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies as a visiting fellow in 2012. Her main area of expertise is foreign, security and defence policy. She is also interested in institutional developments, economics and the media. During her fellowship, Henna wrote a research paper on EU-NATO relations, as well as the Finnish chapter of the Centre’s collaborative publication on the economic crisis, ‘From Reform to Growth: Managing the Economic Crisis in Europe’ and was involved in the organisation of the 2013 Economic Ideas Forum in Helsinki. Henna studied International Relations at the University of Tampere. She has previously worked as a political assistant in the European Parliament and the Parliament of Finland and was also employed by the Finnish Ministry of Defence. Henna also worked as a Brussels correspondent for a Finnish newspaper, covering the EU institutions and NATO. While working as a journalist, she spent time on assignment in Afghanistan.