April 2024

April was all about our 7Ds for Sustainability project! Building on our efforts to contribute to future-proofing EU policy in various areas, this month we published our 7Ds In Depth focusing on debt, decarbonisation, defence, democracy, demography, de-risking globalisation, and digitalisation. Head to our website to read all 7 papers here!

In other news:

With the United States presidential race heating up, many questions arise concerning how potential changes beyond Europe’s borders will affect the continent. Make sure to watch our Executive Director, Tomi Huhtanen discussing the issue during Euronews’ TV talk show ‘Brussels my love’ and don’t miss the latest op-ed by our Senior Research Officer, Eoin Drea, analysing why millennials keep failing at political leadership for The Hill. 

P.S.: The brand new episode of our video op-eds series is out, this time focusing on  gender equality. Interested in learning more about the multiple effects of sanctions on the Russian economy? Check the latest paper by our Research Associate, Vladimir Milov! 

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