Sofia Security Forum [SSF]
Sofia Security Forum is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation for open and in-depth discussions and analyses of issues related to national and international security. The aim of the Forum is to bring together government officials, representatives of international organisations, NGOs, academia and business to discuss and elaborate solutions to the most challenging contemporary security problems we are faced with.
One of our priorities is to promote international cooperation, dialogue, mutual understanding and prosperity across the world and to offer various channels of exchange of ideas and knowledge. Every year, the Sofia Security Forum organises a number of conferences, round-tables discussions and seminars. We are committed to train future young leaders through different forms of education, training and leadership academies.

Софийски форум за сигурност
Chavdaritsa str, bl.309, vh. A, ap. 13, Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 887 700 458