Luigi Sturzo Institute [ILS]

The Luigi Sturzo Institute (ILS), founded in 1951, is a cultural foundation based in Rome. It is committed to the preservation and valorisation of Christian Democratic cultural heritage; and it aims to contribute to the understanding of the challenges of contemporary societies, stimulating debates and reflections, elaborating answers and policy proposals, and creating a bridge between civil society, academia and institutions. It develops a wide range of research activities and training activities, focusing mainly on the relationship between society and democracy, institutional matters and EU affairs, working with numerous partners at national, European and international level. Its archives hold 114 funds consisting of more than 20.000 envelopes of documents (from Sturzo to Colombo and Andreotti), as well as iconographic, photographic and audio-visual materials concerning the history of the Catholic movement. The library, specialised in social sciences and modern and contemporary history, holds about 130,000 volumes and more than 600 journals.

Istituto Luigi Sturzo

Via delle Coppelle 35, Rome, 00186, Italy

Phone: +39 06 6840421

See their website