Sustainable Agriculture that can feed us all
It has been clear for some time that humanity’s current path most likely leads to cascading ecological and climate tipping points and a radically changed environment. Realising that, the European Union is committed to transforming European society and the economy in an economical, equitable, and socially balanced way, to make it climate-neutral by 2050. But that does not come without challenges for all sectors and parts of our societies. Those connected to the food sector are no exception. Pollution reduction must be linked to the development and use of new technologies and methods for food production, processing, transport, and packaging while maintaining economic competitiveness. That way, both climate objectives and the well-being of citizens will be met.
To find answers to some of these pressing questions, the Anton Korošec Institute (INAK), in cooperation with the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES), within the common project Agriculture and Sustainable Development within the European Green Agreement are organising a conference titled “Sustainable agriculture that can feed us all”.