Rethinking the EU – Dialogues on the Future of Europe
European Approach towards Migration
In recent years, there have been numerous attempts within the EU to find a common approach to migration that balances responsibilities and manages migration flows more effectively and humanely. In the wake of the most recent developments, migration and asylum issues have returned to the top of the European agenda and the reform process is moving forward under the impetus of the New European Pact launched by the European Commission in September 2020.
While a new, unprecedented refugee crisis has hit the EU following the war in Ukraine, Italy is also facing a new increase in irregular arrivals in the Central Mediterranean. However, structural solutions are still missing, due to the divergences between the Member States, and the implementation of what has already been decided is still difficult as the end of the current legislative term approaches. Recently, a new convergence has emerged at European level on some aspects of particular interest to Italy, such as the issue of solidarity and the revision of the Dublin system, and that of external border management.
What prospects are opening up with the agreement reached in the most recent Council of Ministers of Home Affairs and Justice, described by many as a historic agreement? What is the Italian position on some of the crucial points of the migration dossier and how can it be taken forward within the EU? Which balanced and structured solutions should be promoted for a European approach to migration that can be shared and implemented by all Member States? What proposals and priorities?
The seminar will reflect on reform perspectives, challenges and priorities from the most recent developments in the reform process launched with the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.