Stormy Mildner
Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner is a senior research associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). Within the research unit ’The Americas’, she works on the U.S. economy, transatlantic trade relations, the WTO and IMF. Since January 2009 she also heads the research group “Resource Conflicts”. Ms. Mildner is an adjunct lecturer at the Hertie School of Governance and the John F.-Kennedy Institute of the Free University of Berlin, teaching classes on global economic governance. Since November 2008 she is Fellow of the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung. Ms. Mildner conducted her Bachelor studies in Economics and North American Studies at the Free University of Berlin and earned a Master of Science in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics (2000). Before she started her Ph.D. studies in economics (2002), Ms. Mildner worked for the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), where she headed the program Globalization and the World Economy. She wrote her Ph.D. thesis on the economic and political rationale of export credit insurance and finance in the U.S. (2006). During her Ph.D. studies, she attended the Yale Center for International and Area Studies (YCIAS) of Yale University (2002-2003). From 2005 to 2006 Dr. Mildner was an assistant professor at the John F.-Kennedy Institute of the Free University Berlin